Egg counting

Continuous insight into egg production

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An automatic egg counting system doesn't only give a reliable result of the numbers of egg produced, it also shows how production is progressing at any moment. Production differences per row caused by malfunctions or illness show up immediately. An egg counting system can also help you identify at an early stage less than adequate ventilation or poor feed and water consumption which would otherwise have a negative impact on egg production. 

Registration of feed and water consumption

The Fancom egg counting system has a huge range of possibilities. Some 480 counters, divided over eight groups or houses, can be connected to count eggs, but also to register feed and water consumption. The egg counting computer registers production per day, per group and per counter, in numbers and laying percentages. The computer displays this data for today, and for the past seven days. The most important production data is displayed in weekly overviews and saved for up to 70 weeks.  The FarmManager management program for your PC generates a clear presentation of egg production data in graphs and tables. Any differences quickly become visible. The egg counting computer can also be remote operated and controlled.

Optimise packing capacity - flow control

The computer regulates the speed of the egg belts so the supply on the collection belt is automatically and precisely geared to the packing capacity at all times. This gives huge time savings, and offers the added bonus of fewer start/stops, which considerably reduces the risk of cracked eggs and gives less wear and tear. 


For all types of housing

The Fancom egg counting system is suitable for all types of housing system - aviary systems, cages or floor housing. With cage housing systems, the egg counting computer ensures that all the houses are emptied simultaneously and takes a pre-set mix of eggs from different houses into account if required. Automatic lift control is also possible.

Electronic egg counters

The counter is completely sealed and therefore resistant to the aggressive conditions in a layer house, even when the houses are being sprayed clean. The counters use infrared technology to count the eggs without touching them. This prevents damage and soiling. Small counters are available for mounting on the egg belts and larger counters for mounting on the collection belt.


Our products for egg counting

  • 746 egg counting computer
  • Egg counters

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