New: revolutionary doubleskin broiler house in Saudi Arabia

New: revolutionary doubleskin broiler house in Saudi Arabia

A unique broiler project has recently been realised in Saudi Arabia, which is an important milestone for both our client and Fancom. For the first time, a farm has been built here according to the innovative Fancom doubleskin farm concept. In addition, this is the first farm in the country that is controlled by our advanced Fancom One Smart Farm Ecosystem.

Double Skin dog house.jpg

What is a doubleskin farm?

The doubleskin farm concept introduces an innovative approach to ventilation and climate control in the house. An extra corridor, the so-called doghouse, has been built along the entire length of the barn on both sides. Here, fresh air flows in via coolpads, where it is pre-conditioned before the cooled air reaches the house via inlet valves. Extraction is done via controlled fans in chimney modules in the ridge of the house.

An important advantage of this construction is that it does not require tunnel fans or inlets. This results in considerable savings on installation costs, which largely recoups the extra investment of approximately 10% compared to a traditional house.

Important advantages of the doubleskin farm

Better animal performance

The supply of conditioned fresh air means that ventilation remains at a minimum level throughout the production cycle and the air speed in the house remains low, with a maximum of 1 mtr per second. This prevents draughts and keeps the animals much more easily within their comfort zone, resulting in less stress and a lower risk of disease. Animals that feel good grow better and perform optimally.

Uniform growth thanks to a stable climate

The pre-conditioned air is distributed evenly throughout the entire house via the air inlet valves, creating identical conditions everywhere. This prevents temperature differences and ensures a calm and stable living environment. The extraction via the ridge also contributes to an even air circulation, which benefits the growth results of the animals.

Fancom op VIV MEA met nieuwe fantura tunnelinlaat
Fancom op VIV MEA met nieuwe fantura tunnelinlaat

Lower energy costs

A smart side effect of the cooled incoming air is that ventilation is only needed for air exchange and less ventilation is needed for cooling. This means less heat is lost and heating costs are considerably reduced. The fans never run at full capacity, which also leads to savings in electricity consumption.

Smart technology with Fancom One

In addition to the innovative farm concept, the control of this farm is also special. Fancom's latest Fancom One Smart Farm Ecosystem controls the entire ventilation system in a user-friendly way. A large 15-inch touchscreen gives users direct access to all important settings and data. This system combines smart technology with simple operation, allowing the house to function optimally without complicated manual adjustments.

Promising results

The farm is now in use and the initial findings are very positive. We expect that the results after the first production round will show clear improvements in animal performance, uniformity and cost savings. This project is an important step forward for the poultry sector in Saudi Arabia and underlines the power of innovative poultry housing technologies for more efficient and sustainable livestock farming.

Want to know more about doubleskin houses?

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