Meet Sofin Faiz, Fancoms new colleague in Indonesia

Meet Sofin Faiz, Fancoms new colleague in Indonesia

Sofin Faiz joined Fancom as a representative agent in Indonesia on July 1, 2024. In his role, Faiz will support Fancom's sales and other commercial activities in the Indonesian market. Faiz studied at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry - Jendral Soedirman University Purwokerto. After completing his studies, he has worked in the livestock industry for over 15 years, holding various positions in companies involved in animal health, the feed industry, genetics, and equipment suppliers. He now wants to use those experiences to develop the Indonesian market for Fancom.

Sofin Faiz - Fancom Indonesia

Sofin Faiz on his new role: “Indonesia is a large poultry industry market, driven by its large population of approximately 300 million people. Poultry is a leading commodity, but other sectors, such as pigs and ruminants, are also experiencing growth. Currently, most people's protein intake is below the recommended standard, presenting an opportunity to advance the livestock industry, particularly through effective and suitable housing systems.

And currently, as the spearhead of the Fancom market in Indonesia. Using my experience, skills, knowledge and network, as well as support from the Fancom team, I am confident that within 3-5 years, our market presence and brand recognition in Indonesia will increase significantly. I aim for Fancom to achieve greater sales and profits, as well as become a trusted partner for all breeders, farmers and the livestock industry in Indonesia."

We are delighted to have Sofin Faiz join the Fancom team and wish him great success in his new role.

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