Climate control poultry farming

Farm computers for climate control

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Creating superior conditions in livestock houses starts by regulating an optimal climate in the house, regardless of the outdoor conditions. Fancom’s climate computers allow you to easily create the optimal growth conditions for your animals. They excel in quality, flexibility and functionality and form the hub of your farm that will never let you down. With two series of climate computers, we can offer a suitable solution for every type of house.

Suitable for each house

The computers are suitable to steer all possible climate systems, natural ventilation, tunnel ventilation, combi-ventilation or MTT. Minimum Transitional Tunnel (MTT) is Fancom’s advanced ventilation system that ensures an even, uniform climate in every house.

Fantura wall inlet

Aura 37 climate computer

The Aura is a simple Fancom control computer, used at section level, with touch-screen operation. The Aura combines smart control capabilities with very simple operation and sets a new standard for house automation: complete, simple and universally applicable.

Fantura tunnel inlet

Lumina 37 and Lumina 38 climate computers

The Lumina control computers have been designed for more demanding users. Offering the same ease of use as the Aura, the Lumina features more extended control functionality, also suitable for multiple sections. Complete control of all processes computers in your house with a single touch.

Lumina software is characterised by the use of clear icons and colours: green means everything is fine, orange means that some aspect needs your attention. Handy navigation buttons on the main screen give direct access to the most important data from the houses. It is now possible to zoom in from each page to retrieve more details.

For added ease of operation, a number of Lumina control computers are also available with an extra large, 12-inch operating screen. This larger screen makes it easier to readout information on the screens, easier to adapt settings and reduces the risk of errors.

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Unieke nauwkeurigheid 

Onze regelaars onderscheiden zich van andere klimaatcomputers door een nauwkeurige ventilatie op basis van werkelijk aantal aanwezige dieren, diergewicht en werkelijk gemeten debiet. Uniek zijn bovendien een aantal regelingen die onder alle omstandigheden zorgen voor een optimaal klimaat voor alle dieren in de stal.

  • De Optisec-regeling kiest aan de hand van slechts één instelling helemaal automatisch de meest optimale instellingen voor verwarming en ventilatie. Zo voorkomt u dat u onnodig warmte uit de stal ventileert en houdt uw stookkosten in de hand.
  • De slimme MicroControl-regeling zorgt voor een goede start voor de dieren door het nog verder optimaliseren van de minimum ventilatie 3
  • De DesertControl-regeling zorgt er automatisch voor dat ook bij minimum ventilatie de lucht gekoeld de stal binnen komt en voorkomt hittestress bij jonge dieren.
  • De Humitemp-regeling houdt rekening met de vochtigheid in de stal en berekent altijd de combinatie van vocht en temperatuur (humidex index) en neemt dit als basis voor een optimale ventilatiestand. Dit zorgt er automatisch voor dat bij een hoge buitentemperatuur in combinatie met een hoge luchtvochtigheid, de ventilatie nog eens extra gaat toenemen om hittestress bij de dieren te voorkomen.

Unique accuracy

What makes our controllers stand out from the rest is the accurate ventilation based on the actual number of animals present, animal weight and the actual airflow measurement. A unique feature is a number of controls that create the optimal climate for all the animals in the house under all conditions.

  • Based on just a single setting, the Optisec control regulates the optimal settings for heating and ventilation fully automatically. This prevents ventilation removing heat from the house unnecessarily and keeps your heating costs under control.
  • The smart MicroControl ensures a good start for the ani- mals by further optimising the minimum ventilation level.
  • The DesertControl automatically ensures that cooled air flows into the house even in the minimum ventilation range and prevents heat stress in young animals.
  • The HumiTemp control takes the humidity in the house into account and always calculates the combination of humidity and temperature (humidex index). This is then used as the basis for the optimal fan position. This au- tomatically ensures that at high outside temperatures in combination with high humidity, ventilation increases to avoid the animals suffering any heat stress.

Infinia information management system

The control computers in the house generate valuable data that is an essential source of information on the growth processes of your animals. The Infinia management software for your PC collects and combines this information and presents it in clear graphs and tables. The result is a wealth of management data that allows you to steer towards improvements based on facts and figures.

Practical app operation

The Fancom control computers have a handy Infinia Remote App that allows remote control of the computers via a smartphone. This keeps you in touch with your houses 24 hours a day, no matter where you are. All the latest data from the houses is displayed on the smartphone and in the event of any abnormalities, immediate intervention is possible from anywhere in the world. The Remote App saves time, improves the conditions in the houses and of course the end results!


Sustainable climate control

Fancom regulates the entire climate process, from the incoming air right up to air scrubbers for the exhaust air. Our climate policy is aimed at sustainable profits. We save on ventilation and heating and cooling, without compromising quality. On the contrary. Extreme weather conditions and sharply fluctuating day and night tem- peratures have no influence on the house climate. The temperature, humidity and CO2 or ammonia are conti- nuously monitored and any deviations in the gas balance are automatically corrected by the ventilation system.

Your animals are your living capital and the environment they live in influences their development and welfare. The right climate is beneficial to the growth and health of your animals and saves you costs for feed, water and energy. Thanks to a good clima- te control system, extreme weather conditions and shar- ply fluctuating day and night temperatures will have no influence on the house climate. You, however, can exert an influence on a sustainable and profitable production process. You are in control, not the conditions.

Contact us for a consultation

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