How to keep your farm computer secure?

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More and more frequently, process computers in farms are being connected to the internet. Farm computers with internet access offer farmers greater control and efficiency. They allow for real-time remote monitoring, quicker problem detection, and automatic updates. Additionally, data can be easily analyzed to optimize processes, while external support can address issues faster. Integration with other systems and centralized management of multiple locations offer even more convenience and improved farm operations.

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What can you do about security?

When connecting your process computers to the internet, there are several critical security aspects to consider. Use strong, unique passwords and change them regularly to prevent unauthorized access. Ensure that your network is secure to fend off external attacks. Encrypt the data exchanged between your process computer and other devices to prevent sensitive information from being intercepted.

It’s also important to enable monitoring and logging to quickly detect suspicious activities and respond in time. Regularly back up important data, so you can restore your systems in case of a technical failure. By taking these measures, you reduce the risk of issues and ensure that your process computer operates securely and efficiently

Set user permissions

But what if the threat doesn’t come from the outside, but from within the farm itself? We often encounter situations where farm processes don’t run optimally due to incorrect settings or where valuable features go unused due to a lack of knowledge. That’s unfortunate.

You could limit the number of people who have access to the process computers in the farms. However, this would also mean you’re not fully utilizing the system’s capabilities. In such cases, setting user permissions is useful. This allows only authorized personnel to access specific functions or data on the process computer. A farm worker responsible for daily animal care will need different information than the farm manager who monitors and adjusts farm processes. The added benefit is that each team member knows exactly what’s expected of them.

Setting user permissions helps prevent errors or misuse. Sensitive data remains protected because only employees who need this information for their work can access it. Additionally, any problems that arise are more easily tracked and resolved, as every change can be traced back to the responsible user.

Making the right choices

Properly training your farm staff in the use of farm computers is a smart investment. By familiarizing them with the systems and providing personalized dashboards, you give them the confidence to always make the right choices. This boosts their engagement and leads to better results in the barn—a win-win for both your team and your animals!

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