Fantura Tunnel inlet - Black

Air inlet systems

Fresh air for all the animals in the house

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The goal of every farmer is healthy animals that grow well. Supplying good air quality is vital, especially where the animals are housed. A continuous supply of fresh air without any draughts or rapid air flows contributes to the quality of the air at animal level.

Various types of air inlets for livestock houses

The Fancom product lines mentioned above, consists of several types of air inlets designed for farms to ensure proper ventilation and maintain a comfortable environment for animals. Here are some of the most common types:

Fantura wall inlet

Wall inlets

These air inlets are installed on the sidewalls of the house, allowing fresh air to enter the building while minimizing drafts. Wall inlets can be manually or automatically controlled, and they can be adjusted to provide the desired air flow and distribution pattern. These wall inlets are often used in farms with combi ventilation and MTT ventilation.

Fantura tunnel inlet

Tunnel inlets

These inlets are used in tunnel-ventilated houses, where air is drawn through the house at high speed from one end to the other. Tunnel ventilation inlets are typically installed at one end of the building, allowing for maximum air flow and ensuring efficient cooling during hot weather.

Fantura ceiling inlet

Ceiling inlets

As the name suggests, ceiling inlets are installed in the ceiling of the farm. They facilitate a more uniform distribution of air throughout the building, preventing drafts and minimizing temperature fluctuations. Ceiling inlets are particularly suitable for large farms or those with high ceilings.

Fantura windhood

Fantura windhood

The air inlets in the side of the house are shielded by wind hoods to prevent wind influences in the house. A characteristic of the Fantura wind hood is its unique design that contributes to a stable climate in the house. This ensures improved animal performances. The special design that features extra side openings ensures improved functionality that is up to three times better than conventional wind hoods. The Fantura wind hoods do not affect the capacity of the air inlets so no additional inlets are necessary.

Fantura windhood

Recirculation inlet chimney

Especially for free-range poultry houses with equal-pressure ventilation, Fancom offers the recirculation inlet chimney with a blow-in fan that ensures the supply of fresh air in the house. The inlet chimneys are equipped with a recirculation element that warms the incoming air by mixing it with the air already in the house. The adjustable energy-efficient fan ensures that the pre-heated air enters the house with the right throw, to prevent any cold air drop on the animals. The result is an optimal climate for all animals in the house, even when the pop holes are open.

Each type of air inlet system offers unique advantages and is designed to cater to specific needs and requirements. When choosing an air inlet system for your farm, it is crucial to consider factors such as the size and layout of the building, local climate conditions, and the needs of your animals to ensure optimal ventilation and a comfortable living environment.

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Air inlet systems

Comfortable for the animals

A suitable air inlet system not only determines how fresh air enters the building, but also how air is distributed throughout the house. A system with air inlets offers a wide range of possibilities. This system is also well suited to pre-heat or cool air before it enters the house. The correct air flow pattern is influenced by the size of the inlet opening and the position of the air inlet. The incoming air must have sufficient speed to travel along the ceiling towards the centre of the house where it can gradually mix with air already in the building. In this way, the air reaches the animals pre-warmed and at a low speed. During hot summer days, the direct flow of incoming air can be guided over the animals to prevent heat stress. 

A suitable solution for every house

Fancom offers an extensive range of air inlets that create a suitable solution in every type of house. We offer two product lines:

  • The patented Fantura series of air inlet systems is distinguished by the special shape that bundles the incoming air for a better throw.
  • The standard Greenline air inlets also deliver an outstanding performance and contribute to a better house climate.
Greenline wall air inlet

Improved animal performance

A properly controlled air inlet system promotes the performance of the animals. It also helps prevent diseases and issues such as:

  • respiratory problems;
  • higher mortality;
  • poor growth;
  • bad litter;
  • poor manure quality.

These issues can cause leg problems and more soiling. Behaviour sends important signals about whether animals feel comfortable and content. If the animals are well spread out throughout the house, you know the air quality is good in every part of the building.

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